Saturday 6 October 2012

Introduction & Task 1

Coming back for my second year of the course, I knew what to expect with the life drawing class and was eager to learn more about drawing the human body. I was also practising drawing anatomy through the summer break mostly using posemaniacs to help further my skills ready for coming into the second year. Here are just some sketches I did through summer  - 

It was nice to get straight back into the life drawing classes and being taught tips as the model posed. Here are some of the sketches I did in this first class back that I was more happy with - 

We was also given a task to do by the next class of drawing a further 3 poses using a number of provided websites for poses. I chose to use posemaniacs again as I was familiar with the site and liked the amount of poses it provides. Here are the 3 sketches I did  - 

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